Macroanalysis by the fractures’ type (Part 1)

Fracture is the failure surface of a product or the whole piece of metall. According to cracks fracture cracks, holes, blowholes, stratifications, gaps, large slag inclusions and other defects are well identified.

The fracture contains information on features and causes of failure, which can be fragile, viscous and mixed – fatigue. The viscous fracture is common to the high strength fine grained metal with high mechanical properties; the fragile fracture is common to the Continue reading →

The assessment methods of the weld metal tendency to hot cracking (Part 2).

During the process of crystallization the weld metal continuously undergoes to lateral deformations, due to which the longitudinal crystallizational crack can be formed in the weld metal.

The initial strain rate A is selected so large that the crack initiation was guaranteed, and in process of movement the arc along a sample decreases monotonically (Fig. 1). The crack which has occurred at the beginning of the weld develops deep into the crystallizing metal after the moving arch. The effort necessary to deform the Continue reading →

Growth of crystals (part 1).

Growth of nucleuses happens as a result of migration of liquid atoms to them. However, in a lot of cases, it doesn’t come to this one-faced atoms transfer. Atom, which belongs to a liquid, not necessary stays on closed-packed faced when gets on it. The possibility of its returning to liquid depends on how strongly it is held by adjacent atoms. Single atom (fig. 1)

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Methods of evaluation of the weld metal tendency to the formation of hot cracks (Part 1).

The maximum value and the rate of rise of the internal plastic deformations (that the metal can withstand without destruction in the process of welding) have been accepted as the evaluation criterion of the weld metal resistance to the formation of hot cracks.

The tests are conducted as follows. A bead is deposited into the sample’s groove (Fig. 1) with the use of the tested welding materials. By means of the Ǿ22 mm holes, Continue reading →