Dividing of the real welding arc column into two parts (Part 2).

The reflected plasma flow when wire welding Св-08Г2С  with a diameter of 1,6 mm with a covering from К2СО3 in СО2 on the reverse polarity, promoting the arc column expansion, allows to receive the droplet transfer at the welding voltage of 32 V and welding current of 320 … 330 A. At the same time, the arch column length over the product surface is 1,5 … 2 mm and in this case even the external part of the arc column is covered by the reflected plasma flow that does this way of welding in CO2 to the most optimal from all known processes in terms of the arc energy loss. The wire welding covered with К2СО3 in СО2 allows to receive optimum formation of welded seams not only when welding butt connections, but also when welding angular connections.

So, when welding butt connections from the arc column wider part which is under a product surface thanks to existence of K2CO3 in the reflected plasma flow and the larger depth of pro-melting in connection with existence of the metal droplet transfer, the speed of welding increases in ∼ 1,2 times in comparison with welding by a usual wire on the same modes at more best formation of a welded seam and at almost total absence of spraying of metal that allows to eliminate completely operation of cleaning of a product from splashes. The similar phenomenon is observed also when welding angular connections which welded seams are created without camber on the middle of a seam, that in combination with elimination of the wire welding losses on spraying and taking into account above the described features of this process, allows to increase welding speed in case of the same leg of welded seams in 1,3 … 1,4 times in case of the same feed rate of a wire. It, with a fixed length of seams on a product, allows to reduce an expense of a welding wire in as much time.

It is especially necessary to note that thanks to heating of a wire the passing current when drawing K2CO3, on its surface from water solution from blankets about – drag hydrogen is removed that leads to substantial increase of viscosity of welded seams in comparison with welding by a usual wire. This covering can be applied also on a copperplated wire on ordinary machines for the wire cleaning.

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