Welder Qualification Test (Part 8).

The documentation execution is the only part of the welding control process. Another part is the welding inspector himself, whose task is to determine the quality of the product or part. The control is considered to be a kind of activity that is carried out after the production, but control of the welding works does not correspond to these views. The welding control includes activities that are performed before, during and after welding. Thus, the welding control performs both pre-emptive and corrective functions.

The quality is defined as «compliance with specifications». As we have already seen, the term «technical conditions» can refer to provisions that are defined by the requirements of the work process or contract, and which are listed in the following documentation:

– drawings;

– collections of norms and rules;

– standards;

– technical conditions.

The drawings provide information on the size, shape and configuration of the product. The collections of norms and rules, standards and technical conditions give a detailed description of the design, materials, methods and quality requirements that must be observed. The description of methods includes the welding technology and the requirements for the qualification of the personnel performing welding operations. The welding inspector may also need to take part in the personnel certification.

Based on the concept of performing pre-emptive actions, in the best possible way, the control of welding operations should cover all areas of possible problems. In this regard, the control of welding operations and documents, which specify specific requirements, relate to the following items:

– joint calculation;

– materials, base metal and filler metal;

– technology and quality of welding;

– preparation, shape and dimensions of the joint;

– productive activity prior to welding, during welding works and after their termination.

The ability of the weld inspector to read, interpret and fully understand the applicable documentation is the basis for successful welding control.

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