Welder Qualification Test (Part 2)

The requirements to welder qualification test vary for different weld configurations, including the sheet beveling, the sheets preparation to fillet welding, and also the pipe beveling. It is obvious that the qualification test for the sheet beveling allows you only partially to estimate the skills of pipes welding. However, if the welder is attested to the performance of the pipe welding; he is automatically attested to the sheet welding. Also it should be noted that the qualification test on sheet beveling in 3G and 4G positions allows you to attest the welder to all sheets positions. The qualification test for provisions of pipes 6G, 2G or 5G allows you to attest the welder to all pipe positions, except for Т-, К- and Y- shaped connections. However, the test position 6 GR provides the attestation to all positions and pipes configurations. These indications of test positions represent the usual reductions which should be remembered by the welding inspector.

The sheet thickness for tests represents one more important and basic parameter which allows you to determine the completeness of the allowance when passing the certain test by the program of the welder qualification test. The sheet for tests is 3/8 inch thick allows you to attest the welder to welding of materials to ¾ inch thick. It is called as the limited thickness qualification test. Further, the successful passing of the test with the use of a sheet 1 inch thick allows you to attest the welder to any thickness values equal or greater to 1/8 inches. It is called as the unlimited thickness qualification test.

The configuration of the welded joint is another basic parameter. For definition of the weld joint influence the standard sheets and pipes for tests are used, by means of which the required configurations are reproduced.  The availability or lack of the ring under the weld is one of the most important factors determining the connection configuration. The special instructions concerning the sheet metal rolling direction necessary when using the ring are provided in AWS D1.1.The metal ductility varies according to the rolling direction. If  the bend tests are carried out with the test coupons at which the sheet rolling was carried out in the cross direction, the base metal can break down. Therefore, before carrying out tests on the program of the welder qualification test it is important to ensure the proper sheets orientation.

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